Fully Automatic Corrugated Cardboard Adhesive Nail Machine


Full automatic adhesive nail machine is a kind of packaging machinery which integrates two functions of gluing and nailing, used to complete the sealing process of carton efficiently. It can automatically complete the process of cardboard feeding, gluing or stapling, and shaping, etc. It is suitable for mass production and improves packaging efficiency and quality. It is widely used in the automated production line of corrugated carton, which reduces the labor cost and at the same time ensures the consistency and reliability of packaging.

Texnik ma'lumotlar varag'i

Model QDJ-3200G (2600 and 3000 available)
Maks. karton siz (A+B)*2 (mm) 3200
Minkarton siz (A+B)*2 (mm) 900
Maks. karton hajmi A/B (mm) 910/690
Michida. karton hajmi A/B (mm) 250/200
Karton balandligi (C+D+C) (mm) 350~1100
Qopqoqning o'lchami C (mm) 25~450
Balandlik diapazoni D (mm) 200~650
Nail tongue width E (mm) 30~35
Speed (nail/michida) 1300
Nailing tezlik (m/michida) 80
Gluing speed (m/michida) 120

* Size of automatic adhesive nail machine PO ko'rsatmalaringizga muvofiq sozlanishi mumkin

Asosiy xususiyatlar

  1. Fully computerized control automatic single, easy to understand, simple operation, can store 999 nail single
  2. Bottomless and covered box can also be nailed ( need to specify when ordering )
  3. 1-3 minutes to adjust the size, simple and fast.
  4. Nail head power for servo motor, mechanical speed: 1300 -1500 nails / min.
adhesive nail machine
Close Photo of Automatic adhesive nail machine

Asosiy konfiguratsiyalar

  • The paper feeding department of automatic adhesive nail machine adopts PLC to automatically control Siegelin’s high wear-resistant suction belt, each of which can individually control the size of the air volume to ensure stable adsorption and accurate paper feeding.
  • When feeding paper, there is a side tapping device to make the paper feed neatly and smoothly.
  • The pre-pressure wheel and forming wheel of the paper supply department are computerized to control the thickness of the cardboard, and the height of the paper support is adjusted electrically.
  • The paper feeding motor is controlled by servo motor to ensure stable and accurate nail distance.
  • Designed with box shaping function to ensure that there will be no scissors mouth when nailing the box, neat and not crooked.
  • The front and rear scissors mouth will not be more than plus or minus 2mm.
  • Adopting computerized screen operation, and displaying fault instructions.
  • Nail three-layer, five-layer carton (seven-layer need to be declared in advance when ordering).
  • Finally, there is automatic counting and stacking quantitative output.
  • The automatic adhesive nail machine will stop automatically when it is skewed during normal operation.
  • Used for three purposes in one machine, i.e., it can be glued, nailed and nailed at the same time.

Chuang Xin Carton Machinery-ga xush kelibsiz

Chuang Xin Carton Machinery, karton qadoqlash va bosib chiqarish mashinalarining etakchi ishlab chiqaruvchisi va yechimlari yetkazib beruvchisi. Butun dunyoga mashhur qadoqlash materiallari poytaxti Changsha shahrida joylashgan CX Machinery Karton mashinalari va bosma uskunalari tarkibida tashkil etilgan va CQC tomonidan ISO14001 va OHSAS 18001 standartlariga ro'yxatdan o'tgan. Bizda karton mashinasozlik sohasida 10 yildan ortiq ishlab chiqarish tajribasiga ega bo'lgan muhandislar jamoasi, shuningdek, mijozlarimizga to'liq yordam ko'rsatish uchun mohir savdo guruhimiz mavjud.

CX Carton Machinery gofrirovka qilingan quti zavodi, 2/3/5/7 qatlamli gofrokarton ishlab chiqarish liniyasi, flekso printer slotterli to'sar, aylanadigan shlyapa, aylanma qolipli to'sar, avtomatik karton papkani yopishtiruvchi kabi yuqori sifatli karton qadoqlash mashinalarini loyihalashtiradi, ishlab chiqaradi va sotadi. Yuqoridagi mashinalarni ishlab chiqarishga qo'shimcha ravishda, CX Machinery karton ishlab chiqarish uchun ba'zi yordamchi mashinalarni moslashuvchan moslashtirishga sodiqdir.

2009 yildan beri doimiy sifat va mukammal xizmat ko'rsatish bilan biz 40 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda xorijlik mijozlar bilan chuqur biznes hamkorliklarini o'rnatdik.

Karton mashinalari ishlab chiqaruvchisi
Karton mashinalari ishlab chiqaruvchisi

Narximizni oling

Quyidagi shaklni to'ldiring, biz narxlarimizni 20 daqiqada qaytarib beramiz.