Avtomatik 2/3/5/7 qatlamli gofrokarton ishlab chiqarish liniyasi


Fully automatic corrugated cardboard production line is used to produce corrugated cardboard with different layers, including 2-layer, 3-layer, 5-layer and 7-layer structures. It usually includes automatic paper feeding, corrugated roll pressing, glue bonding, cardboard forming, drying, cutting and stacking, etc. It is capable of fully automated production from raw materials to finished products.

Texnik ma'lumotlar varag'i

Model WJ200-2200-5PLY
Grade Min. B
Moisture content 11% ± 2%
Face paper 100~250 g/m2
Liner paper 100~250 g/m2
Corrugated paper 100- 200 g/m2
Flute profiles A,B,C,E,F,G flute
Steam requirements 8-10 Kg
Steam consumption 2500 kg/h
Air compressor pressure 0.8~1.1 Mpa
Electricity 380V, 50Hz, three-phase four wire type
* Equipment Direction Left or Right transmission will be as required
* Factory request size Specific length as to the foundation of drawing

* Note: the roll paper which is used to test the corrugated cardboard production line speed should meet above requirements.

Asosiy xususiyatlar

1. High degree of automation

The corrugated cardboard production line can realize the fully automated production process from raw materials to finished products.

2. High production efficiency

Through automation control, it improves production efficiency and reduces labor cost, and at the same time, it can realize non-stop order change and improve production continuity.

3. Energy saving and environmental protection

The requirements of energy saving and environmental protection are taken into account in the design, and energy consumption and material waste are reduced by optimizing the production process and equipment configuration.

4. Intelligent management

Combined with Industry 4.0 technology, it realizes intelligent management of the whole corrugated cardboard production line and intelligent control from customer order to production to logistics packing.

5. Stability and reliability

Adopting advanced technology and equipment to ensure the stability and reliability of the corrugated cardboard production line and reduce the failure rate.

6. Precise control

Through advanced control technology, it realizes automatic monitoring and adjustment of raw paper feeding temperature, humidity and tension, so as to precisely control the physical properties of raw paper.

7. Green design

Resource consumption, ecological and environmental impacts as well as human health and safety are taken into account in the design, which meets the requirements of green design.

8. Safety performance

The corrugated cardboard production line is designed with full consideration of mechanical and electrical safety to ensure the safety of operators.

9. Strong adaptability

It can adapt to the production demand of multi-specification and multi-species to meet the diversified order requirements of the market.

10. Production management system

Equipped with production management system, it can realize the collection, statistics and printout of production data and improve the production management level.

Corrugated cardboard production line
Night Photo of Auto Corrugated cardboard production line


Konfiguratsiya roʻyxati (boshlangʻich qism)

No. Ism Qty Feature
1 RSH Hydraulic Mill Roll Stand

( with trolley and track)

5 –Main shaft φ242mm,double curve heavy rocker arm, tooth chuck, pneumatic type multi point brake,hydraulic lifting,left and right translation

–Guide rail length is 6000 mm, the trolley adopt 10 mm plate welding

2 Auto-Splicer 5 –Keeping the corrugated board line uninterrupted working, reducing    paper loss and greatly improving productivity
3 PH-90 Pre-heater 4 –The  roller  φ900  mm, Electric  adjustment  angle, adjusting heating area within the range of 360 °
4 SF-A22Single Facer 2 –Corrugated rollerφ360mm, 48CrMo high quality alloy steel,plating tungsten carbide

–Independent gearbox,universal joint drive structure –Cylinder control lifting

–Pneumatic control glue,circulating supply glue –Man-machine display

5 OBH Conveying Bridge 1 –The main beam is connected with the GB 200 channel steel, 200H steel, 63 angle steel

–Independent frequency motor drive paper conveying –Suction tension and electric correcting

6 Trriplex  Pre-heater 1 –The   rollerφ900   mm,electric   adjustment   angle  angle , adjusting    heating area within the range of 360 °
7 GM-20 Glue Machine 1 –Glue roller φ269mm , carved 25 line pit type mesh –With preheater device

–Independent frequency motor drive

–Circulating supply glue with PLC control –Man-machine interface display

8-14 DF-60 Double Facer, etc. 7 Batafsil ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning

Chuang Xin Carton Machinery-ga xush kelibsiz

Chuang Xin Carton Machinery, karton qadoqlash va bosib chiqarish mashinalarining etakchi ishlab chiqaruvchisi va yechimlari yetkazib beruvchisi. Butun dunyoga mashhur qadoqlash materiallari poytaxti Changsha shahrida joylashgan CX Machinery Karton mashinalari va bosma uskunalari tarkibida tashkil etilgan va CQC tomonidan ISO14001 va OHSAS 18001 standartlariga ro'yxatdan o'tgan. Bizda karton mashinasozlik sohasida 10 yildan ortiq ishlab chiqarish tajribasiga ega bo'lgan muhandislar jamoasi, shuningdek, mijozlarimizga to'liq yordam ko'rsatish uchun mohir savdo guruhimiz mavjud.

CX Carton Machinery gofrirovka qilingan quti zavodi, 2/3/5/7 qatlamli gofrokarton ishlab chiqarish liniyasi, flekso printer slotterli to'sar, aylanadigan shlyapa, aylanma qolipli to'sar, avtomatik karton papkani yopishtiruvchi kabi yuqori sifatli karton qadoqlash mashinalarini loyihalashtiradi, ishlab chiqaradi va sotadi. Yuqoridagi mashinalarni ishlab chiqarishga qo'shimcha ravishda, CX Machinery karton ishlab chiqarish uchun ba'zi yordamchi mashinalarni moslashuvchan moslashtirishga sodiqdir.

2009 yildan beri doimiy sifat va mukammal xizmat ko'rsatish bilan biz 40 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda xorijlik mijozlar bilan chuqur biznes hamkorliklarini o'rnatdik.

Karton mashinalari ishlab chiqaruvchisi
Karton mashinalari ishlab chiqaruvchisi

Narximizni oling

Quyidagi shaklni to'ldiring, biz narxlarimizni 20 daqiqada qaytarib beramiz.