To'liq servo kompyuterli yuqori tezlikda fleyta laminatsiyalash mashinasi
Automatic High Speed Flute Laminating Machine is used to laminate various materials such as paper, plastic film, etc. to cardboard or carton to enhance its strength or provide a beautiful surface. It usually has the functions of automatic paper feeding, automatic alignment, high-speed laminating and automatic winding, which can realize continuous and stable production process.
Texnik ma'lumotlar varag'i
Model | CX-1450A-Ⅲ | CX-1550A-Ⅲ | CX-1650A-Ⅲ |
Quvvat (kVt) | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Hajmi (m) | 13,5×2,05×2,4 | 13,5×2,15×2,4 | 13,5×2,25×2,4 |
Og'irligi (t) | 5.0 | 5.2 | 5.4 |
Maks. laminatsiya o'lchami (mm) | 1400×1250 | 1500×1250 | 1600×1250 |
Michida. laminatsiyalash siz (mm) | 400×400 | 400×400 | 400×400 |
Iqtisodiy tezlik (PCS/daq) | 0-100 | 0-100 | 0-100 |
Laminatsiyalashning aniqligi | ±1,5 | ±1,5 | ±1,5 |
Qo'llab-quvvatlovchi qog'oz qalinligi | A/B/C/E/F trubkasi 2/3/4/5 7/ qavat 12 mm | ||
Yuzaki qog'ozning qalinligi (gramm) | 150-600 |
* Size of the flute laminating machine can be customized as per your PO instructions
Asosiy xususiyatlar
1. Vakuumli assimilyatsiya chashka turi sodiq qog'ozni oziqlantirish tizimi qog'ozni mashinaga to'g'ri kiritishi mumkin
2. Bottom paper adopts suction auto-feeding, which can automatically synchronize the tracking according to the speed of manually feeding the top paper
3. Elastik old joylashuvning yangi kontseptsiyasi, yuqori joylashishni aniqlash aniqligi.
4. The whole flute laminating machine adopts touch screen/PLC/servo motor control system, the circuit system runs stably and can automatically display the fault alarm.
5. To'liq avtomatik elim to'ldirish tizimi, yo'qolgan elim miqdorini avtomatik ravishda to'ldirish va elimni qayta ishlash bilan hamkorlik qilish.
6. Rolikli chiziq tezligini o'lchash ilmiy dizayni, bir vaqtning o'zida bir xil miqdordagi elim miqdorini ta'minlash, elim tushirishda yuqori tezlikda ishlashga yo'l qo'ymaslik.
7. Pressure roller single side adjustment, convenient and fast for the flute laminating machine.
8. Yuvish tayoqchasini ko'tarish va tushirishni nazorat qilish uchun rocker, yuqori yopishtiruvchi rulonning pastki rulosini tozalash uchun qulay, oson va tez tozalash.
9. Insoniylashtirilgan dizayn hisoblagichi, kundalik ish yukingizni yozib olish oson. Ish qismini hisoblash oson.
10. Kichik press mashinasi to'plami ixtiyoriy.
Configuration List
Displey ekrani | Delta (Tayvan) |
Kommutatsiya quvvat manbai | OMRON |
ServoDriver | Delta (Tayvan) |
Oziqlantiruvchi | Rigung |
Feida inverteri | Delta (Tayvan) |
Vakuum pompasi | BECKE(Deguo)REUROVAC (Tayvan) |
Vorteks nasosi | Shanxay Quanfeng |
Sinxron g'ildirak | San bis (pishgan) |
Sinxron kamar | GATES (AQSh) |
Rulman | WTJB, HRB, LYC |
Xost zanjiri | CHOHO (CN-JA qo'shma korxonasi) |
O'tkazish press kamari | Italiya (Qo'shma korxona) |
PLC | Panasonic |
Kontakt | SCHNEIDER (Frantsuzlar) |
Xost inverteri | Delta (Tayvan) |
Bosim platformasi inverteri | Delta (Tayvan) |
Bosim platformasi dvigateli | Shanxay Out |
Chuang Xin Plus Machinery, is a leading manufacturer and solution provider of carton packing and printing machines. Located in Changsha, the world-renowned capital of packaging materials, CX Plus Machinery was established as part of Carton Machinery and Printing Equipment and is registered to ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards by CQC. We have a team of engineers with more than 15 years of production experience in the carton machinery field, as well as our skillful sales team to provide full support to our customers.
CX Plus Machinery designs, produces and sells high quality carton packaging machinery such as corrugated box plant, 2/3/5/7 ply corrugated board production line, flexo printer slotter die cutter, rotary slotter, rotary die cutter, automatic carton folder gluer. In addition to the production of the above machines, CX Machinery is committed to the flexible customization of some ancillary machines for carton making.
2009 yildan beri doimiy sifat va mukammal xizmat ko'rsatish bilan biz 40 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda xorijlik mijozlar bilan chuqur biznes hamkorliklarini o'rnatdik.