Karton bosib chiqarish o'yma mashinalarining ajoyib dunyosiga bag'ishlangan blogimizga xush kelibsiz. Bu erda biz ushbu mashinalar qadoqlash sanoatiga olib keladigan murakkab ishlarni va ulkan qiymatini ko'rib chiqamiz.
What is Rotary Die Cutting Machine? Features, Types, Uses
High speed rotary die cutting machine (Lead Feeder) is an efficient die cutting equipment, using the working principle of circular press, can achieve high-speed continuous die cutting operations.
Innovative Corrugated Board Production Line Trial Run
After a year of construction, the annual output of 150 million square meters of corrugated board production line construction project, officially entered the trial production stage, become the largest width, the highest speed, single-machine capacity of the largest high-strength corrugated board production line in our city.
Auto Gluing Machine for Corrugated Efficiency Revolution
Carton gluing machine is indispensable in modern manufacturing and processing settings, playing a crucial role in applying adhesive to a variety of materials such as paper, box and cardboard.