High Speed 2800 Carton Down Fold Glue Box Linkage Line
Glued box linkage line is an integrated packaging production system that connects multiple production processes such as printing, die-cutting, folding and gluing. This kind of production line can realize the continuous production from raw material to finished product, which greatly improves the production efficiency and reduces the manual intervention. Widely used in large-scale carton production, it is especially suitable for standardized and batch packaging needs to ensure the consistency of product quality.
Texnik ma'lumotlar varag'i
Model | CX-2400 | CX-2600 | CX-2800 |
Size A (mm) | 80-660 | 80-660 | 80-660 |
Size B (mm) | 420-2400 | 600–2600 | 600–2800 |
Size C (mm) | 130-660 | 165–660 | 165–660 |
Size D (mm) | 170-1050 | 240–1200 | 240–1200 |
Install Area (m) | 10-3 | 10.5-3.5 | 10.5-3.7 |
Machine weight (t) | 5.0 | 5.5 | 5.5 |
Motor (kVt) | 8 | 8 | 8 |
*Size of folder box Linkage line can be customized as per your PO instructions
Asosiy xususiyatlar
- Adopts the design concept of Qinglong Co., LTD., and adopts composite wall board to fix the folding arm, so that the folding arm is stable without vibration.
- Folding belt adopts separate power, which can prolong the service life of the belt and reduce the
tightness of the belt. - The folder box Linkage line Ish paytida kartonning barqarorligi va tuzatish funktsiyasini ta'minlash uchun kartonni uzatish uchun kauchuk kamarni qabul qiladi.
- Computer automatic change order, automatic storage order and other functions.
- The counting discharge part adopts the lower parallel feeding mode, thus solving the problem of big
difference of cardboard scissors.
- PLC control, touch screen operation and pre-storage and management of orders
- Adopts non-stop method or gluing system to avoid easy adjustment of the gap between the gluing wheels
- The dial is suitable for paperboard with thickness between 1 and 9mm.
- Folding board adopts belt or rubber drum, convenient to adjust the folding Angle
- Cardboard stacking and counting pieces
- Stacking board adopts mechanical mode and sensor to realize automatic.
Chuang Xin Carton Machinery, karton qadoqlash va bosib chiqarish mashinalarining etakchi ishlab chiqaruvchisi va yechimlari yetkazib beruvchisi. Butun dunyoga mashhur qadoqlash materiallari poytaxti Changsha shahrida joylashgan CX Machinery Karton mashinalari va bosma uskunalari tarkibida tashkil etilgan va CQC tomonidan ISO14001 va OHSAS 18001 standartlariga ro'yxatdan o'tgan. Bizda karton mashinasozlik sohasida 10 yildan ortiq ishlab chiqarish tajribasiga ega bo'lgan muhandislar jamoasi, shuningdek, mijozlarimizga to'liq yordam ko'rsatish uchun mohir savdo guruhimiz mavjud.
CX Carton Machinery gofrirovka qilingan quti zavodi, 2/3/5/7 qatlamli gofrokarton ishlab chiqarish liniyasi, flekso printer slotterli to'sar, aylanadigan shlyapa, aylanma qolipli to'sar, avtomatik karton papkani yopishtiruvchi kabi yuqori sifatli karton qadoqlash mashinalarini loyihalashtiradi, ishlab chiqaradi va sotadi. Yuqoridagi mashinalarni ishlab chiqarishga qo'shimcha ravishda, CX Machinery karton ishlab chiqarish uchun ba'zi yordamchi mashinalarni moslashuvchan moslashtirishga sodiqdir.
2009 yildan beri doimiy sifat va mukammal xizmat ko'rsatish bilan biz 40 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda xorijlik mijozlar bilan chuqur biznes hamkorliklarini o'rnatdik.