Excellent Model 2000 Press Fit Gluer Machine Manufacturer
Model 2000 Press-fit box gluer machine is a packaging machine used to fold and glue cardboard into boxes by mechanically pressurizing the edges of glue-coated cardboard together. Usually equipped with automatic feeding, gluing, folding and press-fitting functions, it is capable of realizing a fast and precise gluing process. It is widely used in the production of corrugated boxes of various specifications to improve production efficiency, ensure the quality of gluing and reduce labor costs.
Texnik ma'lumotlar varag'i
Model | CX-1800 | CX-2000 |
Maks. Samarali qog'oz maydoni (mm) | 1800/1100 | 2000/1100 |
Min. Samarali qog'oz maydoni (mm/min) | 200/260 | 200/260 |
Asosiy konfiguratsiya (Single head, dual head selectable) |
1. Machine speed: according to manual speed, about 50 sheets per minute for each finished hand. 2. Suitable for small cartons, customized boxes, shaped color boxes 3. Motor power: 0.75KW 4. Dual head and two working stations can be operated at the same time. |
* Hajmi Model 2000 Press-fit box gluer machine can be customized as per your PO instructions
Asosiy xususiyatlar
- Fully automated operation: from cardboard feeding to finished product discharge, the whole gluing process without manual intervention, to realize full automation.
- High productivity: high degree of automation, fast production speed, can significantly improve production efficiency and reduce production costs.
- Precise control: the gluer machine can accurately control the amount of glue applied and the gluing pressure to ensure the quality of gluing.
- Moslashuvchanlik: Adapt to the production of cartons of various sizes and shapes, and can be quickly adjusted to meet the needs of different orders.
- Stability and Reliability: Adopting advanced technology and durable materials to ensure stable operation for a long time.
- Easy to operate and maintain: Equipped with user-friendly operation interface and maintenance system, simplifying the operation process and daily maintenance work.
Chuang Xin Carton Machinery, karton qadoqlash va bosib chiqarish mashinalarining etakchi ishlab chiqaruvchisi va yechimlari yetkazib beruvchisi. Butun dunyoga mashhur qadoqlash materiallari poytaxti Changsha shahrida joylashgan CX Machinery Karton mashinalari va bosma uskunalari tarkibida tashkil etilgan va CQC tomonidan ISO14001 va OHSAS 18001 standartlariga ro'yxatdan o'tgan. Bizda karton mashinasozlik sohasida 10 yildan ortiq ishlab chiqarish tajribasiga ega bo'lgan muhandislar jamoasi, shuningdek, mijozlarimizga to'liq yordam ko'rsatish uchun mohir savdo guruhimiz mavjud.
CX Carton Machinery gofrirovka qilingan quti zavodi, 2/3/5/7 qatlamli gofrokarton ishlab chiqarish liniyasi, flekso printer slotterli to'sar, aylanadigan shlyapa, aylanma qolipli to'sar, avtomatik karton papkani yopishtiruvchi kabi yuqori sifatli karton qadoqlash mashinalarini loyihalashtiradi, ishlab chiqaradi va sotadi. Yuqoridagi mashinalarni ishlab chiqarishga qo'shimcha ravishda, CX Machinery karton ishlab chiqarish uchun ba'zi yordamchi mashinalarni moslashuvchan moslashtirishga sodiqdir.
2009 yildan beri doimiy sifat va mukammal xizmat ko'rsatish bilan biz 40 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda xorijlik mijozlar bilan chuqur biznes hamkorliklarini o'rnatdik.